Educational course
hours of training with practical trainers
hours of practice on real cases
tools for effective communication
The training course "Basic training of a mediator" is a unique opportunity to acquire the competence of a mediator on the territory of Ukraine according to European and national standards.
Thanks to this course, you will replenish your "baggage" of knowledge and experience with new practical skills and tools of a mediator. Mastering the competencies of a mediator is an opportunity not only to improve one's qualifications but also to obtain additional specialization or open a new field of activity.
This course is a complete, structured and logically structured program with a total duration of 96 hours, 56 of which are practical, interactive classes.
The training course comprises a harmonious combination of mini-lectures, practical classes, role-playing games, simulations, demonstrations and presentations, and individual and joint work in small groups.
Training is conducted in mixed (online and offline) or online formats.
Course participants are provided with a set of author's educational materials and, after completing the training, receive a certificate that meets the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Mediation" and gives them the right to practice mediation.
Graduates will have the opportunity to join the work of mediation offices and other volunteer projects of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation with mentoring and internship support.
(judges, lawyers, notaries, lawyers, etc.)
Business representatives
(business owners, managers, consultants, HR, psychologists, coaches)
Representatives of government bodies and public figures
Representatives of the field of education
(teachers, lecturers, scientists, trainers, students)
Anyone who wants to improve their negotiation and communication skills
Conflict theory.
Mediation as a method of conflict resolution.
(24 hours)
Techniques of effective communication. Working with emotions.
Identifying the interests and needs of the parties.
(24 hours)
Mediation procedure:
structure, progress, framework conditions. Legal principles of mediation.
(24 hours)
Mediation as a profession: value-ethical aspects of a mediator's activity. Resourcefulness and security.
(24 hours)
Ukraine, 65026, Odesa,
St. Gretska, 17, 3rd floor
+38 (093) 693-86-56+38 (067) 941-16-46
The website was created and maintained with the European Union's financial support as part of the Project CONSENT: ENHANCEMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) IN UKRAINE WITH FOCUS ON MEDIATION implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.
Copying, processing, distribution and any other use of site materials is allowed only with mention of the "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation" and an active link to the site.
© NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation", 2022
Ukraine, 65026, Odesa,
St. Gretska, 17, 3rd floor
+38 (093) 693-86-56+38 (067) 941-16-46
The website was created and maintained with the European Union's financial support as part of the Project CONSENT: ENHANCEMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) IN UKRAINE WITH FOCUS ON MEDIATION implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.
Copying, processing, distribution and any other use of site materials is allowed only with mention of the "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation" and an active link to the site.
© NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation", 2022