
It is a pop-sci magazine devoted to the theoretical and practical aspects of various ABCs, mediation and justice.
The magazine is not a commercial project and will be distributed free of charge.

Certificate of state registration of the magazine:Серія КВ № 24705-14645 РPeriodicity: twice a year.


Purpose of the magazine:

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    raising public awareness of alternatives to court proceedings;

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    promoting the formation of a culture of resorting to alternative methods of dispute resolution;

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    exchange of experience of scientists and practitioners in the field of ADR use and justice;

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    informing lawyers, arbitrators and mediators about world trends in the field of ADR and justice;

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    raising the professional level of lawyers on issues of ensuring access to justice.

The journal covers all topics related to alternative dispute resolution and justice in private and public law fields. It welcomes articles that use a variety of scholarly approaches, including doctrinal, historical, comparative, socio-legal, philosophical, political and economic analyses of ABC and justice.
The magazine is offered to a wide range of readers interested in issues of ADR and justice, and, in particular, to everyone who participates in ADR and the administration of justice - be it a judge, mediator, lawyer, legal adviser, legal adviser, civil servant, international arbitrator, scientist or a student.

