Mediatorium Hub – A New Support Space for Mediation and ADR Educators

Mediatorium Hub – A New Support Space for Mediation and ADR Educators

The Ukrainian Academy of Mediation is launching "Mediatorium", a hub that will become a key development center for educators in mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

What is "Mediatorium"?

It is a unique space for experience exchange, professional skill enhancement, and methodological support. The hub's mission is to help educators create high-quality and modern courses on mediation and ADR-related disciplines while fostering a culture of dialogue and understanding.

Who is it for?

The hub is designed for university educators working with students on mediation and ADR topics. If you know colleagues who may find this useful, please share the application link with them (available in the comments).

Why Join?

✅ Access methodological support

✅ Participate in joint practice and experience exchange

✅ Contribute to the development of a modern culture of understanding among young people

How to Join?

Fill out the application form to be the first to learn about the opportunities offered by the initiative.

This initiative is part of the project "Developing a Culture of Justice Among Children and Youth Through Quality Legal Education, Access to Mediation, and Legal Awareness ("JustForKids&Youth")", implemented with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the USAID "Justice for All" program.