Who can become a member of Ukrainian Academy of Mediation:
● legal entities under private law, including public associations with the status of a legal entity;
● capable natural persons, regardless of citizenship and place of residence, who have reached the age of 18, participate in the performance of statutory tasks and recognize the requirements of the Statute of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation.
The procedure for acquiring and terminating membership is regulated by the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation Statute and the Regulations on Membership.
Members of UAM have the right to:● elect and be elected to governing bodies;● submit proposals to the governing bodies of the UAM on issues related to the activities of the UAM or its governing bodies;● to receive information about the activities of UAM;● voluntarily and at any time terminate your membership in UAM on the basis of the submitted application.
All members of the UAM have equal rights established by the laws of Ukraine and the Statute of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation.
Members of UAM are obliged to:
1. Take an active part in achieving the goals and objectives of the UAM, participate in the work of the UAM;
2. To comply with the provisions of the UAM Charter and the legislation of Ukraine in their activities;
3. To implement the decisions of the governing bodies of the UAM;
4. Take care of the authority of the UAM, promote the dissemination of information about the activities of the UAM;
5. Pay membership fees on time in the prescribed manner and amounts;
6. Take care of the property of UAM, do not allow untidy treatment of UAM property;
7. Perform other duties established by the UAM Statute and current legislation of Ukraine.
UAM operates based on voluntary membership.
Ukraine, 65026, Odesa,
St. Gretska, 17, 3rd floor
+38 (093) 693-86-56+38 (067) 941-16-46
The mediation.ua website was created and maintained with the European Union's financial support as part of the Project CONSENT: ENHANCEMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) IN UKRAINE WITH FOCUS ON MEDIATION implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.
Copying, processing, distribution and any other use of site materials is allowed only with mention of the "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation" and an active link to the site.
© NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation", 2024
Ukraine, 65026, Odesa,
St. Gretska, 17, 3rd floor
+38 (093) 693-86-56+38 (067) 941-16-46
The mediation.ua website was created and maintained with the European Union's financial support as part of the Project CONSENT: ENHANCEMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) IN UKRAINE WITH FOCUS ON MEDIATION implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.
Copying, processing, distribution and any other use of site materials is allowed only with mention of the "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation" and an active link to the site.
© NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation", 2024