
V International forum "MEDIATION AND LAW"

The fifth Mediation and Law Forum discussed mediation in the business environment and family mediation. Speakers were leading experts in the field of law and mediation.

Topics covered and discussed at the forum:
● Is adjudicated dispute resolution a competitor to mediation?
● Mediation as risk insurance: safe entry into partnership and effective conflict management.
● From Dispute to Team: Mediation in the Workplace.
● The practice of resolving family and inheritance disputes through mediation in Israel.
● Mediation is a lifeline for family relationships.
● Divorce mediation: is it possible to save a good relationship?

The "Communication skills for difficult conversations in business and life" masterclass took place as part of the practical component. The open event "Theatre of Mediation", which took place after the main programme, became very popular among the participants.
Participants had a chance to look at the work of professional mediators, to get acquainted with the mediation process and the main tools and techniques of a mediator's job in real-time. This spectacular simulation is characterized by a particular specificity: an impression of reality, conflicts, characters, as well as the competence of mediators, analysis of their work, development and selection of specific options for conflict resolution through a process in which the mediator and the conflicting parties were the main participants. The family mediation case was presented by practising mediators: Tetyana Bilyk and Hanna Zubachova.