
The International Forum "Mediation & Law" is the largest specialised event in Ukraine dedicated to the development of mediation and other alternative dispute resolution methods.
The Forum aims to promote the development of mediation as an effective tool for conflict resolution, improve the quality of mediation services, share best practices, and create conditions for interaction and cooperation. The event aims to highlight innovative approaches to alternative dispute resolution, prospects for their development and discuss current trends.
The VIII International Forum "Mediation & Law" will provide participants with an opportunity to join panel discussions, workshops and other events dedicated to relevant topics.

The event was jointly organised by the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation within the framework of the EU CONSENT Project, the EU Pravo-Justice Project and with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Justice for All Programme.

We look forward to meeting you at the VIII International Forum "Mediation & Law"!

Let's remember the 2023 Forum

In 2023, despite the restrictions caused by the war in Ukraine and the impossibility of holding a large-scale event offline, the VII International Forum "Mediation & Law" was held online. This made it possible to ensure the participation of not only Ukrainian participants from all over the world, but also foreign mediators and lawyers.
The VII International Mediation & Law Forum featured 56 speakers and was attended by 680 participants from 50 countries.

PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME VIII International Forum "Mediation & Law"

24 JULY 2024

July 24, 2024

14:00-15:30 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Workshop "Ethical Guidelines in the Professional Activity of a Mediator"

    Zachary Calo, Professor of Law at Hamad bin Khalifa University in Qatar, Qatar, USA
    Indrė Korsakovienė, ADR and Mediation Lecturer at Mykolas Romeris University, coordinator, Lithuania
    Tat Lim, mediation practitioner, a WWL Global Elite Thought Leader since 2022, Singapore
    Omer Shapira, IMI Ethics Committee Chair, Israel
    Dorcas Quek, Associate Professor of Law in the Singapore Management University’s Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore
    Mary Walker, mediator and mediation advocate, a member of the IMI Ethics Committee and IMI Quality Assurance Committee, Australia

July 24, 2024

15:30-16:30 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Break

July 24, 2024

16:30-18:00 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Presentation of the handbook and methodological materials "Mediation in the professional activity of a lawyer"

    Natalia Krestovska, Doctor of Law, mediator, trainer
    SPEAKERS: Iryna Zaretska, Legal Advisor of the USAID Program "Justice for All"
    Anna Baryshnykova, mediator, psychologist, trainer, member of the Board of the Ukrainian academy of mediation
    Tetyana Bilyk, Chairperson of the Board of the NGO "International Training Centre "School of Mediation" and the NGO "League of Mediators of Ukraine", co-founder and member of the Supervisory Board of the NGO "Association of Family Mediators of Ukraine"
    Olena Bilokon , Judge of the Cassation Civil Court of the Supreme Court
    Ruslana Havryliuk, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Law of the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
    Nataliia Kovalko, Doctor of Law, Professor, business mediator, attorney
    Olha Kulinich, Head of the Department “Academy of Intellectual Property” UANIPO
    Nataliia Mazaraki, Doctor of Law, Professor, State University of Trade and Economics
    Olena Mozhaikina, Candidate of psychological sciences, lawyer, mediator, associate professor of the Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law, State University of Trade and Economics
    Yurii Mykytyn, Director of the Educational and scientific Law Institute Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
    Kateryna Narovska, President of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine. Partner of Sense 2 Sense Communication. Mediator, supervisor, trainer, lecturer, facilitator
    Luiza Romanadze, PhD, associate professor, attorney, mediator, President of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation, University of Southampton (CARA Fellow)
    Maryna Saienko, Business mediator, UMC trainer (KMBS), managing partner of the law firm "ZAKON PEREMOGY", Chairman of the Board of the NGO "PRAVOSVIDOMI”
    Svitlana Sergeyeva, Vice President of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation, IMI Certified Mediator, Head of Sergeyevs’ Law Office
    Alina Serhieieva, IMI certified mediator, President of the Ukrainian National Section of the partner European Association of Judges for Mediation (GEMME), researcher at the Mykolas Romeris University
    Olha Tiutiun, Certified business mediator, family mediator, certified business trainer, lawyer, psychologist
    Oksana Yaremko, Associate Professor at the Psychology and Social Work Department of the West Ukrainian National University, mediator, lawyer
    Tetiana Tsuvina, Doctor of Science (Law), Head of the Department of Department of Civil proceedings, Arbitration and Private international law of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine

July 24, 2024

18:30-20:00 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Evening event "Symphony of Cooperation: Virtual Networking for Mediators"

25 JULY 2024

July 25, 2024

10:00-10:15 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Opening of the Forum

    Luiza Romanadze, President of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation, Team Leader of the EU Project ”CONSENT”
    Oksana Tsymbrivska, Team Leader of EU Project Pravo-Justice

July 25, 2024

10:15-12:30 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Panel discussion "Implementing mediation: National and Supranational Dimensions"

    Luiza Romanadze, President of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation
    Oksana Tsymbrivska, Team Leader of EU Project Pravo-Justice
    Manfredas Limantas, Rule of Law Policy Lead at the European Commission's Ukraine Service
    Rimantas Simaitis, an Associate Professor at the Vilnius University's Faculty of Law, a CEPEJ/Council of Europe mediation and/or e-justice expert
    Roman Babiy, Member of Parliament of Ukraine, Head of the Subcommittee of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy
    Oleksandr Banchuk, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine
    Mykhailo Shumylo, Head of the Secretariat of the High Council of Justice, Doctor of Law
    Oksana Sulima, Deputy General Director of the Directorate of the Development of social services of the Ministry of Social Policy

July 25, 2024

12:30-12:45 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Break

July 25, 2024

12:45-14:30 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Panel discussion "Mediation in Administrative Cases: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices"

    Alina Serhieieva, IMI certified mediator, President of the Ukrainian National Section of the partner European Association of Judges for Mediation (GEMME), Ukraine
    Salem Karim, State councilor (administrative judge) at the Egyptian Council of state, expert in mediation for the European commission of the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ), Ph.D candidate at the University of Strasbourg, France
    Virgilijus Valancius, Senior International Expert, Support to EU Integration Process in the Justice Sector Component Lead, Lithuania
    Linda Reijerkerk, CEO of the Centre for Conflict Resolution and Mediation, IMI and MfN accredited mediator, Netherlands
    Gerardo Carballo, Director Instituto Europeo De Mediación Y Ética Pública (IEMEP) lawyer, mediator, former Adviser Defensor (Ombudsman) de España
    Andrii Ryshchenko, Judge of the Dnipro District Administrative Court, President of GEMME Ukraine

July 25, 2024

14:30-17:30 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Break

July 25, 2024

17:30-19:30 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Panel discussion "Evolution of Mediation: Current Trends and New Perspectives"

    Svitlana Sergeyeva, Vice President of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation, IMI Certified Mediator, Head of Sergeyevs’ Law Office, Ukraine
    Mary Lou Bryant Frank, Ph.D., M.S., M.Ed., psychologist, court approved mediator, mediation trainer, and consultant, USA
    Emad Hussein, Senior Research Fellow with the Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA), an independent international arbitrator and accredited mediator (CEDR, SIMI and IMI), UAE
    Victoria Harris, advocate, mediator and Deputy Chief Executive at the Civil Mediation Council and Trustee of Mediation Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
    Willem Ruiterman, mediator, President of the Dutch Mediation Association (NMv), Netherlands
    Luciana Drimel Dias, General Director CR Connection, Strategic Dispute Resolution Manager, Ph.D, Lawyer, Mediator, Brazil

26 JULY 2024

July 26, 2024

10:00-12:00 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Panel discussion "Mediation in Intellectual Property Disputes: Prospects for Right Holders, Business, Government"

    Oleksandra Paduchak, professional at the Mediation Centre of the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation, Ukraine
    Isha Singh, Legal Case Manager, IP Disputes Section, WIPO

    Lidia Levitska,
    Legal Case Manager, Internet Dispute Resolution Section, WIPO

    Marisol Orts Moreno, IP lawyer, member of the ADR Service at European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), Accredited Mediator, IT Lawyer, Spain
    Alexandra Crawcour, IP specialised lawyer (trade marks and designs), mediator at EUIPO, Spain
    Jeremy Lack, a Swiss, US and UK lawyer specialising in international IP disputes and Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR), Switzerland
    Aurika Hrybovska, Head of the Mediation Centre of the IP Office, Ukraine
    Bohdana Khymenko, mediator, attorney at law, Ukraine

July 26, 2024

12:00-12:15 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Break

July 26, 2024

12:15-14:30 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Panel discussion "Quality of Mediation Services: Key Indicators and Methods to Ensure It"

    Nataliia Mazaraki, Professor, State University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
    Constantin-Adi Gavrila, CEO of ADR Center Romania and senior ADR Expert at ADR Center, former Co-Chair of the IMI's Independent Standards Commission, Romania
    Tat Lim, mediation practitioner, a WWL Global Elite Thought Leader since 2022, Singapore
    Kateryna Narovska, President of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine. Partner of Sense 2 Sense Communication. Mediator, supervisor, trainer, lecturer, facilitator, Ukraine
    Iryna Fedorych, mediator, PhD in Law, Acting Chair of the Board of the NGO "Association of Family Mediators of Ukraine"
    Tetiana Tsuvina, Doctor of Science (Law), Head of the Department of Department of Civil proceedings, Arbitration and Private international law of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Director of the Center for Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution, Ukraine

July 26, 2024

14:30-17:30 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Break

July 26, 2024

17:30-18:10 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Motivational session "Inspiration through practice: success story and important lessons"

    Bruce Edwards, one of the first commercial mediators in the US with 35 years of experience in the field of mediation, mediator in Signature Resolution, co-founder of JAMS and Edwards Mediation Academy, USA

July 26, 2024

18:10-19:30 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Panel discussion "Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Disputes: Experiences and Trends"

    Sofiya Vydra, key national expert of the EU funded Project Pravo-Justice on EU integration, Ukraine
    Iuliia Kovalova, attorney at law, IMI qualified mediator, practicing business mediation, Ukraine
    Georgia Angelidaki, Accredited Mediator-Lawyer-GDPR Advisor, Member of the Board of Directors of GEMME Hellas, Lead Trainer for Greece in the EU-funded project "Consumer Law Ready", Greece
    Andy Rogers, Mediator & Trainer at CEDR, Director of CMC, Director of IMI, United Kingdom
    Colin Rule, President and CEO of,, and, USA
    Margarita Tuch, legal and policy officer in the European Commission, Belgium

27 JULY 2024

July 27, 2024

10:00-13:00 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Masterclass "The Magic of PowerPoint Presentation: How to Communicate Effectively about Mediation"

    Liudmyla Kruglova, business trainer, facilitator, professional coach, game therapist, game practitioner, methodologist of educational programmes

July 27, 2024

13:00-14:00 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Break

July 27, 2024

14:00-17:00 EEST (Kyiv, GMT+3)

  • Master class on Neurodrawing "Drawing the Music of Inner Harmony"

    Anna Baryshnykova, mediator, psychologist, trainer, member of the Board of the Ukrainian academy of mediation
    Iryna Suchilova, family mediator, trainer, psychologist, lawyer, member and coordinator of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation, member of the "Association of Family Mediators of Ukraine"