Svitlana Sergeyeva
Vice-President of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy
Lawyer, mediator (DAA), partner of the "Sergeyev Legal Office", Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Mediation and Other Types of Alternative Dispute Resolution of the Bar Council of the Odesa Region, Head of the Branch of the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine in the Odesa Region
Anna Baryshnykova
Member of the Board of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation
Lawyer, psychologist, mediator (DAA), co-author of programs and trainer of the training course "Basic training of a mediator", director of the Priorys Law Company, associate member of the Ukrainian Association of Existential Counseling and Therapy, member of the Federation of Existential Therapy in Europe.
Natalya Krestovska
Member of the Board of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation
Mediator (DAA), doctor of legal sciences, professor, trainer of mediators, co-author of a number of training programs and draft laws on mediation, the Code of Ethics for mediators of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine, the textbook "Mediation in the professional activity of a lawyer".
Iryna Balan
Coordinator of the court mediation projectmediator (DAA), family mediator, lawyer, patent attorney
Valentyna Duka
Assistant to the head of the ZLAGODA project lawyer
Olha Holovko
Communications managermediator, family mediator, lawyer
Mazaraki Natalia
Coordinator for work with higher education institutions Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law
Anna Matereva
Assistant to the Project Manager of "CONSENT"
Legal Advisor, Mediator
Yana Sovik
Administrative Assistant of the "CONSENT" ProjectLawyer, Mediator
Irina Suchilova
Coordinator of the professional support for UAFM graduates
mediator (DAA), family mediator, trainer, lawyer, psychologist
Anastasiia Chobotar
Student Relations Coordinatormediator
Ukraine, 65026, Odesa,
St. Gretska, 17, 3rd floor
+38 (093) 693-86-56+38 (067) 941-16-46
The website was created and maintained with the European Union's financial support as part of the Project CONSENT: ENHANCEMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) IN UKRAINE WITH FOCUS ON MEDIATION implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.
Copying, processing, distribution and any other use of site materials is allowed only with mention of the "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation" and an active link to the site.
© NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation", 2024
Ukraine, 65026, Odesa,
St. Gretska, 17, 3rd floor
+38 (093) 693-86-56+38 (067) 941-16-46
The website was created and maintained with the European Union's financial support as part of the Project CONSENT: ENHANCEMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) IN UKRAINE WITH FOCUS ON MEDIATION implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.
Copying, processing, distribution and any other use of site materials is allowed only with mention of the "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation" and an active link to the site.
© NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation", 2024