All training programmes created by UAM are aimed at mastering and practising skills, so about 70% of the time is devoted to practice.
"Deepening into interests and needs"This training will be helpful for mediators, lawyers, managers, business representatives and everyone who wants to communicate better with others.Clarifying needs and distinguishing them from positions is the core of any negotiations based on interests and mediation. Therefore, it is essential to master such skills and learn to use practical communication tools to identify the interests and needs of the parties to the conflict (dispute).The duration of the training is 16 hours of theoretical and practical classes. "Working with resistance"The training will be helpful for mediators, lawyers, managers, trade representatives and anyone who faces resistance to accepting new information or products.During the training, you will learn about the types and methods of resistance, the causes of the resistance of the parties, techniques and ways of working with resistance, and prevention and overcoming the resistance of the parties in mediation.The training program is designed for 16 hours of theoretical and practical classes. "Power of questions"The training will be helpful for lawyers, mediators, managers, coaches and representatives of other professions in which work is related to communication with people.During this training, you will increase your professional efficiency by mastering the skill of asking questions.The duration of the training is 16 hours of theoretical and practical classes.
"Nonviolent communication skills in an educational environment"The training will be helpful for students of all levels and types of education, pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers, and other participants in the educational process. The training is in demand among private educational institutions interested in creating a safe, educational environment.During the training, you will learn about the types and causes of conflicts in the educational environment, ways to prevent them, and ways to resolve them. A particular emphasis is placed on the prevention of bullying.The duration of the training is 16 hours.
Ukrainian Academy of Mediation offers various educational programs on effective communication, conflict management, nonviolent communication, team building, development of emotional intelligence, and prevention of emotional burnout syndrome.Additionally, we are always open to cooperation and ready to fulfil any specific training request.
Ukraine, 65026, Odesa,
St. Gretska, 17, 3rd floor
+38 (093) 693-86-56+38 (067) 941-16-46
The website was created and maintained with the European Union's financial support as part of the Project CONSENT: ENHANCEMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) IN UKRAINE WITH FOCUS ON MEDIATION implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.
Copying, processing, distribution and any other use of site materials is allowed only with mention of the "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation" and an active link to the site.
© NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation", 2024
Ukraine, 65026, Odesa,
St. Gretska, 17, 3rd floor
+38 (093) 693-86-56+38 (067) 941-16-46
The website was created and maintained with the European Union's financial support as part of the Project CONSENT: ENHANCEMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) IN UKRAINE WITH FOCUS ON MEDIATION implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.
Copying, processing, distribution and any other use of site materials is allowed only with mention of the "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation" and an active link to the site.
© NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation", 2024