Mediators on the path of self-knowledge: Resolving the internal dilemma

Mediators on the path of self-knowledge: Resolving the internal dilemma

Today, on October 14, the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation successfully held a psychological support event “Resolving the Inner Dilemma” based on the algorithm of Richard Schwartz, the author of the systemic family therapy of subpersonalities.

The participants of the event had the opportunity to take part in a group psychological support session, which included a theoretical part, individual work and practical work in pairs. The event's host, a practicing psychologist and mediator, shared with the participants useful tools for self-regulation and resolution of internal conflicts in both professional and personal spheres.

Each participant had the opportunity not only to expand their knowledge but also to feel support and mutual understanding with other participants. The event was an important step towards personal development and strengthening of inner well-being.

The participants felt deeply grateful for the opportunity to develop and the important knowledge they gained during the event. This meeting was an important milestone in their personal and professional growth.

Let this event be just the beginning of your journey to new heights. Stay tuned for future events and initiatives of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy, where you will find even more opportunities for self-development, mutual learning and enrichment of your practice. Join our community, where each of you has a place for improvement and mutual support.

The event was held within the framework of the Project “CONSENT: Raising the Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Ukraine with a Focus on Mediation", implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy with the financial support of the European Union.