On ethical challenges in mediation by Konstantin Adi Gavril

On ethical challenges in mediation by Konstantin Adi Gavril

At the end of March 2024, mediators had an extremely inspiring meeting with an international mediator, the CEO of the ADR Romania Centre, Constantin Adi Gavrila.

He shared his vision of the ethical challenges faced by mediators, raised the topic of power imbalance in the procedure and cultural aspects that affect communication.

The discussion revolved around the ethical challenges in mediation, which can be overcome by honest answers to the following questions:

1) Can this information affect my neutrality?

2) Does this information affect my neutrality?

3) In such circumstances, what should I do with this mediation?

During the event, the speaker also shared the stages of development of mediation in Romania, in particular, the challenges and innovations.

The recording of the event is available HERE.

More information about ethical challenges in mediation can be found HERE.

The event was held with the financial support of the European Union within the framework of the Project ‘CONSENT: Enhancing the Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Ukraine with a Focus on Mediation", implemented by the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation.