Online mediation simulation brings together Ukrainian and Greek mediators

Online mediation simulation brings together Ukrainian and Greek mediators

In October and November, the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation jointly with the Hellenic Union of Mediators (Greece) held regular events of the Global Mediation Synergy series. The events were held in the format of an online simulation of the mediation procedure, which brought together participants from different parts of the world.

The online simulations lasted 90 minutes and included a realistic recreation of a mediation session with the participation of Greek colleagues in the role of mediators, parties and their lawyers. The simulation was followed by a lively discussion in which all participants took part. This format allowed the participants to exchange views and receive valuable comments from experienced mediators.

Such events are extremely important for the professional development of mediators. The exchange of experience and best practices between mediators from different countries contributes to the efficiency of mediation procedures. The participants noted that the simulation helped them to deepen their knowledge and improve their practical skills in conducting mediation sessions.

The Ukrainian Academy of Mediation thanks all participants for their active participation and constructive discussion. We are confident that such events contribute to the development of mediation as an effective tool for conflict resolution.

The event was held with the financial support of the European Union within the framework of the Project “CONSENT: Enhancing the Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Ukraine with a Focus on Mediation", implemented by the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation.