Soft Skills in notary: A course for professionals

Soft Skills in notary: A course for professionals

The trainings for notaries have become an incredible opportunity for development and professional growth. Almost 100 specialists took part in the trainings. This event not only improved the notaries' skills in effective communication and emotion management, but also expanded their knowledge of mediation, providing new horizons for conflict resolution.

The meetings were held in a friendly atmosphere, where each participant had the opportunity to engage in open discussions and exchange experiences with colleagues. The course used interactive teaching methods to make the training interesting and memorable.

The skills acquired during the training will become an integral part of each participant's successful professional activity. An important advantage is the integration of knowledge about mediation, which provides new opportunities to resolve difficult situations and helps build trust with clients.

The trainings have become not only a valuable experience but also an opportunity to improve the level of professionalism in the notary field.

The trainings for notaries are conducted jointly with the Notary Chamber of Ukraine and the Mediation Center of the National Police of Ukraine within the framework of the Project “CONSENT: Enhancing the Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Ukraine with a Focus on Mediation”, implemented by the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation with the financial support of the European Union.