Successful workshop on neuromodelling: mediators mastered new techniques for self-development

Successful workshop on neuromodelling: mediators mastered new techniques for self-development

Last Saturday, 27 May 2023, a workshop on neuromodelling was successfully held as part of the professional support initiative for mediators. This event was a unique opportunity for participants to learn a new method of self-development and inner harmony.

At the workshop, mediators learnt the NeuroBreathing technique, which combines breathing exercises with drawing.

This technique allows you to remove psychological blocks, create new neural connections and model the desired reality. Participants actively practiced the technique using coloured pencils, markers and black liners, turning their emotions and thoughts into coloured patterns on paper.

The event was held in a warm and inspiring atmosphere on the Zoom platform, bringing together more than 50 participants. Even those who picked up a pencil for artistic drawing for the first time felt confident and discovered a new way to overcome stress and internal conflicts.

Here is some feedback from the workshop participants:

It was incredible! I could feel myself letting go of tension and negative emotions with every stroke.’

Neurography was a real discovery for me. I plan to continue practicing this technique in my everyday life.’

‘Thank you to the organisers for a wonderful experience. I felt my thoughts became clearer and my mood improved.

The event was held as part of the CONSENT: Raising the Profile of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Ukraine with a Focus on Mediation", implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy with the financial support of the European Union.

We express our sincere gratitude to all participants for their active participation and inspiration. We hope that the knowledge and skills gained will be useful to you in your professional and personal life.