Training of hosts of the game ‘Master of Communication’

Training of hosts of the game ‘Master of Communication’

The Ukrainian Academy of Mediation has developed the educational and developmental game ‘Communication Master’ for children and adolescents aged 6-17. The game is an innovative solution in the approach to fostering a culture of non-violent communication, improving communication and negotiation skills, conflict management, and emotional intelligence. The game is conducted by specially trained presenters.

We invite school psychologists from different regions of Ukraine to undergo training of facilitators for further use of the game in their work. The number of places for training is limited.

As a result of the training, the facilitators will be able to organise the game, provide a safe play space, support players to gain new knowledge and master new skills.

After completing the training, the facilitators will receive certificates. A printed copy of the game is handed over to the educational institution where the school psychologist who has been trained works.

When and how will the training take place?

From 09:00 to 12:00 on the following dates: 19.03.2024, 25.03.2024, 27.03.2024. The training includes theoretical and practical training, as well as playing the game in test mode under the supervision of its developers.

In what format will the training take place: on the Zoom platform

What are the conditions of participation in the training:

- participation is free of charge;

- a letter of support from the educational institution is required for the further conduct of the game;

- preference will be given to psychologists who have been trained in mediation, non-violent communication, emotional intelligence development, etc;

- the hosts are expected to conduct the game in educational institutions from April 2024.

Application deadline: 18:00 15 March 2024.

How to apply: to apply for the programme, please fill in the registration form HERE

A sample letter of support from an educational institution can be found HERE.

For more information on participation in the training, please call: (093) 693 8656, (067) 941 1646.

The game was created with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Justice for All Programme and with financial support from the European Union under the CONSENT Project.