We are here to support each other

We are here to support each other

The Ukrainian Academy of Mediation has introduced regular professional support activities for mediators.

The main goal is to create a space to support the internal resources of Ukrainian mediators and hone their professional skills.

During the workshops and webinars held online, mediators will have the opportunity to develop professional skills, participate in discussions on the challenges of a modern mediator, build their resilience and establish emotional self-regulation through modern art practices.

Participation in the events is free of charge upon prior registration.

Due to the practical nature of the events, the number of participants is limited.

Each meeting will be devoted to working with specific issues, so you can participate in a single event or in all of them. З

The events will be held within the framework of the Project ‘CONSENT: Raising the profile of alternative dispute resolution in Ukraine with a focus on mediation", implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy with the financial support of the European Union.

Follow the announcements and join the events. We will jointly overcome the challenges of today and continue to strengthen the community of Ukrainian mediators!