Workshop on Neuromapping: Putting yourself together

Workshop on Neuromapping: Putting yourself together

We would like to share with you our impressions of Saturday's work on the fascinating art technique ‘Put Yourself Together’!

We are sure that after our meeting, mediators will definitely take it to their treasury, and the most daring will even use it in the procedure!

Participants are already sharing their drawings on our telegram channel:

Here is how neuromapping can be useful for mediators themselves:

Restoring emotional balance.

Neuromapping allows mediators to focus on their own emotions and energy. It creates an opportunity to express and release emotional stress, which helps to return to a state of emotional balance.

Development of creative thinking.

Neurofeedback stimulates the mediator's creativity and develops their associative thinking. It helps to find new approaches to problem solving and expands the possibilities of conflict resolution.

Self-expression and reflection.

Neuromapping provides mediators with the opportunity to freely express their thoughts, feelings and observations through art. It promotes self-reflection and awareness of one's own state, which allows the mediator to be more effective in the mediation process.

Energy conservation and self-defence.

Neuromapping helps mediators conserve energy and prevent professional burnout. It creates an opportunity to relax and recover from stressful situations.

So, if you are looking for new tools to maintain your state of mind, neuromaling ‘Get yourself together’ can become your indispensable ally!

The event was held as part of the CONSENT: ROSE OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN UKRAINE WITH A MEDIATION FOCUS", implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy with the financial support of the European Union.