Mediation is gaining prominence as a vital mechanism within universities to address conflicts, enhance the educational environment, and cultivate professionals across diverse fields. Higher education institutions are not only engaged in imparting theoretical and practical knowledge of mediation but are also actively embedding it into institutional practices to resolve conflicts within the academic community.
The International Scientific and Practical Conference “MEDIATION & UNIVERSITIES 1.0” seeks to explore diverse facets of mediation within the university context, particularly focusing on its integration into curricula, research initiatives, and institutional frameworks. This event aspires to advance understanding of mediation’s significance in higher education and to foster its continued development and implementation.
We invite scholars, postgraduate students, and undergraduate students from higher education and research institutions, along with practitioners and mediators engaged in research related to the field of mediation, to participate in the international conference.
We highly appreciate your interest in the INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE “MEDIATION & UNIVERSITIES 1.0.” and with deep respect invite you to watch the video from the Conference
1. Mediation and Mediator’s Competencies as Integral Components of Legal Education
2. Mediation in the psychological education
3. Mediator’s Competencies for Training of Managers, Social Workers, and Professionals from Other Fields
4. Legal Clinics as Platforms for Facilitating Access to Mediation and Promoting Professional Development for Students
5. University Research Centers and Laboratories as Hubs for Mediation Development
6. Mediation Services at Universities as Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution within the Educational Environment
To participate in the conference, please follow the guidelines and deadlines below:
• As a Speaker: Register as a speaker by November 5, 2024. Additionally, submit your topic along with a brief summary (maximum 300 words) by November 5, 2024, to au.noitaidem%40fnocdeminu . The file name should be formatted as follows: “YourSurname_summary.”
• As a Co-Author of the Conference Proceedings: Submit your conference paper to au.noitaidem%40fnocdeminu by November 10, 2024. Please refer to the author’s guidelines provided below.
• As an Attendee: Register by November 15, 2024.
The conference proceedings will be assigned an ISBN.
The conference proceedings will be posted on the open platform “Archer”.
No registration fees.
All conference participants will be provided with an e-collection of conference materials and a certificate of participation.
The conference organizers do not provide reimbursement for travel and accommodation for conference participants.
Title of the conference’s section
The title of your conference paper in English, centered (Times New Roman 16, bold, uppercase).
One line space and provide the title of the presentation in Ukrainian, centered (Times New Roman 16, bold, uppercase).
One line space, the surname and initials of the author in Latin script (Times New Roman font, size 14, bold, centered), followed by the academic degree, title (if applicable), position, full name of the institution where the author studies or works, city, and country (formatted in English); use Times New Roman font, size 14, italicized.
One line space, the surname and initials of the author in Latin script (Times New Roman font, size 14, bold, centered), followed by the academic degree, title (if applicable), position, full name of the institution where the author studies or works, city, and country (formatted in Ukrainian); use Times New Roman font, size 14, italicized.
One line space, the text of the conference paper: A4, all margins 2 cm, Times New Roman 14, line spacing – 1.5.Bibliography in APA.
The total length of the text should not exceed 5 pages, including the bibliography.
The maximum number of co-authors is 2.
Languages of the conference: Ukrainian, English.
6. Mediation services at universities as a platform for conflict resolution in the educational environment.
Salenko O.V.PhD in Law, Associate Professor,Associate Professor of the Department of Public LawYuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National Universityм. Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Саленко О.В.кандидат юридичних наук, доцент,доцент кафедри публічного праваЧернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковичам. Чернівці, Україна
Text... [1].
1. Mediation in the professional activity of a lawyer: a textbook / ed,
Р. Havryliuk, I. Horodysky [and others]; edited by N. Krestovska, L. Romanadze.
Odesa: Ecology, 2019. 456 с.
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