The legal education meetings are held within the framework of the project "Building a Culture of Consensual Conflict Resolution as a Way to Achieve Justice in Ukrainian Society",
implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy with the support of the American people provided through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Justice for All Program.
Dear parents!
We invite your children to attend a series of free meetings-lessons, during which they will be able to get acquainted with the main aspects of the legal system and the dispute resolution procedure.
Who conducts the meetings?
Teenage tutors from the OkStudy online school will help children to look into the legal world as part of the charitable online educational project "Together with You". They communicate with children on an equal footing and talk about important things related to the rights and responsibilities of each person in simple language.
Ukraine, 65026, Odesa,
St. Gretska, 17, 3rd floor
+38 (093) 693-86-56+38 (067) 941-16-46
The website was created and maintained with the European Union's financial support as part of the Project CONSENT: ENHANCEMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) IN UKRAINE WITH FOCUS ON MEDIATION implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.
Copying, processing, distribution and any other use of site materials is allowed only with mention of the "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation" and an active link to the site.
© NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation", 2024
Ukraine, 65026, Odesa,
St. Gretska, 17, 3rd floor
+38 (093) 693-86-56+38 (067) 941-16-46
The website was created and maintained with the European Union's financial support as part of the Project CONSENT: ENHANCEMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) IN UKRAINE WITH FOCUS ON MEDIATION implemented by the Ukrainian Mediation Academy. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian Mediation Academy and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.
Copying, processing, distribution and any other use of site materials is allowed only with mention of the "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation" and an active link to the site.
© NGO "Ukrainian Academy of Mediation", 2024